


本文介绍成语“偏乡僻壤”的拓展阅读资料,主要内容包括:穷乡僻壤是什么动物、对“穷乡僻壤出刁民”有什么看法?、形容“荒凉”的诗句有哪些?、英文翻译 位于偏乡僻壤的“念湖”的由来,大概源自黑颈鹤对爱的忠贞:生死相依、忠贞相守、相濡以沫,、穷乡僻壤是什么意思?、对“穷乡僻壤出刁民”有什么看法?等




我对这句话的看法是:这句话表达了变现环境对于一个人的重要性,师资不发达、穷困潦倒、信息来源少的地方很容易出现野蛮、没有文化的人,具有贬义。穷乡僻壤出刁民造句:小王单位组织到一 偏远乡村志愿服务,期间却被村民各种欺负。大家不由得感叹:“还真是穷乡僻壤出刁民!”出处:乾隆最后一次下江南途中被一女子戏耍,回到行宫,本想拿民女问罪,可又仔细一琢磨,不行啊,您想啊,万一老百姓知道自己是皇帝,那自己这人就丢大发了,心里真丫扫兴搓火,最后只好悻悻御赐了八个字“穷山恶水,泼妇刁民”用以自慰。


[不毛之地] 不生长草木庄稼的荒地。形容荒凉、贫瘠。
[杳无人烟] 僻远无人居住。形容荒凉,偏僻。
[颓垣废井] 倒塌了的墙,废弃不用的井。形容荒凉破败的景象。
[颓垣废址] 犹颓垣废井。形容荒凉破败的景象。
[颓垣断堑] 犹颓垣废井。形容荒凉破败的景象。
[颓垣败井] 犹颓垣废井。形容荒凉破败的景象。
[颓垣败壁] 犹颓垣废井。形容荒凉破败的景象。
[枯枝败叶] 败:衰败。干枯的树枝,衰败的花叶。形容荒凉、破坏的样子。
[兔葵燕麦] 形容景象荒凉。
[败井颓垣] 犹言房毁墙坍。形容村舍荒凉。
[鸡犬不闻] 形容极为荒凉冷僻。
[满目荆榛] 荆:荆条,灌木。榛:树丛。满眼看见的都是荆条和树丛。形容十分荒凉萧条的环境。
[荒无人烟] 人烟:指住户、居民,因有炊烟的地方就有人居住。形容地方偏僻荒凉,见不到人家。
[杳无人迹] 杳:不见踪影;迹:脚印。连一个人的脚印也看不到。形容地方非常荒凉、偏僻,从来没有人去过。
[白草黄云] 形容边塞秋季的荒凉景象。
[偏乡僻壤] 指荒凉偏僻的地方。
[人迹罕至] 罕:少。人很少到的地方。指偏僻荒凉的地方很少有人来过。
[投山窜海] 山、海,荒凉边远之地。指有罪而被放逐到荒凉边远的地区。
[荆榛满目] 荆榛:带刺的丛生灌木。放眼望去,都是荆榛。形容遭遇变故后到处都是荒凉的景象。也比喻处境困难,障碍重重。
[蛮烟瘴雾] 指南方的烟雨瘴气。借指荒凉地区。
[十室九空] 室:人家。十家有九家一无所有。形容人民大量死亡或逃亡后的荒凉景象。
[赤地千里] 赤:空。形容天灾或战争造成大量土地荒凉的景象。
[瘴雨蛮烟] 指南方有瘴气的烟雨。也泛指十分荒凉的地方。
[蛮烟瘴雨] 指南方有瘴气的烟雨。也泛指十分荒凉的地方。
[足音跫然] 跫:脚步声。原指长期住在荒凉寂寞的地方,对别人的突然来访感到欣悦。后常比喻难得的来客。
[跫然足音] 跫:脚步声。原指长期住在荒凉寂寞的地方,对别人的突然来访感到欣悦。后常比喻难得的来客。

英文翻译 位于偏乡僻壤的“念湖”的由来,大概源自黑颈鹤对爱的忠贞:生死相依、忠贞相守、相濡以沫,

Township is located in the partial quiet countryside of the origin of the ’lake’, it seems the black-necked crane of loyalty for love, life and death dependency, loyalty together, and this is the description of the words of love, and the sad story, just the achievement of the lake, the original is read lake - ambition sun photography ’revolution’ a name - leap reservoir, has become the most romantic place - read lake. All the way to come here each year of black-necked cranes wintering, with children, couples over long distance. Thousands of miles away, because of hunger, cold, they die in the way of flight; Finally reached the destination, because pain die again. One died, the other one is double suicide and death; One died, and the other tow ZhaoEr with women struggling to survive. Winter came, the children have to go, only left that can’t fly north’s mother or father, so the elder miss, until winter, go back to the water. The word ’read lake’ in the net friend sad mood! In the lijiawan village not far from DaQiao Township government, in the sunlight spread all afternoon, a lot of black-necked cranes, walk alone, the birds, is more of a youngest son, and they are close to villagers in the farming, we outsiders can’t be close to, because they can tell who is more close to, who would cause harm to them. For hundreds of years, the black-necked crane is the idea of a ’birds’, the local people in yunnan plateau on the earth, live in the warm sunshine so beautiful and wonderful, namely the warmth, the black-necked crane and the accompany them daily, every winter will come to the lake, look at these simple people, like family members ’goo goo’ call to them on a winter. A bird with love, a love of people and birds, to the village, the sparkling waters of looks so beautiful and amazing!!! The setting sun at sk, leaves multicolored lake, yearning to KuangYuan silhouette, and year after year to the action of a form of black-necked cranes, constitutes the lake all the clips. Only in this kind of lonely drunk beauty, can give a the most KuangYuan and long thoughts. Read lake ah, this is the water home the most beautiful name.


百度一下就知道了~【拼音】qióng xiāng pì rǎng    穷乡僻壤【释义】 贫穷又荒远偏僻的地方。 穷:贫穷;僻:偏。荒远偏僻的地方。   【用法】也作“穷山僻壤”。作主语、宾语、定语;含贬义   【结构】联合式   【近义词】穷山恶水不毛之地   【反义词】 沃野千里通都大邑 成语出处  宋·曾巩《叙盗》:“穷乡僻壤、大川长谷之间,自中家以上,日暮持钱,无告籴之所。”   宋·朱熹《条奏经界状·贴黄》:“故州城县所在之乡,其产不甚重与穷山僻壤至有相背蓰者,此逐乡产钱租额,所以本来已有轻重之所由也。”


我对这句话的看法是:这句话表达了变现环境对于一个人的重要性,师资不发达、穷困潦倒、信息来源少的地方很容易出现野蛮、没有文化的人,具有贬义。穷乡僻壤出刁民造句:小王单位组织到一 偏远乡村志愿服务,期间却被村民各种欺负。大家不由得感叹:“还真是穷乡僻壤出刁民!”出处:乾隆最后一次下江南途中被一女子戏耍,回到行宫,本想拿民女问罪,可又仔细一琢磨,不行啊,您想啊,万一老百姓知道自己是皇帝,那自己这人就丢大发了,心里真丫扫兴搓火,最后只好悻悻御赐了八个字“穷山恶水,泼妇刁民”用以自慰。



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