


本文介绍成语“感激流涕”的拓展阅读资料,主要内容包括:求高手帮我翻译英语成中文啊!急急 非常感谢,流鼻涕!!!、形容心中充满感激之情的成语、求高手帮我翻译英语成中文啊!急急急 非常感谢,流鼻涕!!!、成语比喻内心非常感激、高手麻烦帮我翻译一段英文!~工具翻就不必了!~小弟感激流涕!~~、形容激动感动的流泪的成语、皇甫谧年二十始勤学中的好、无度、辄、因叹曰的因、笃学、因对之流涕的因字分别是什么意思、古文中流涕是什么意思?等

求高手帮我翻译英语成中文啊!急急 非常感谢,流鼻涕!!!

Charlotte Bronte was an English writer who was famous for her novel Jane Eyre (1847), sister of Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte.夏洛特. 勃朗特是一位以小说<简爱>而出名的英国作家。她与另外两位作家――安妮. 勃朗特和艾米丽. 勃朗特是姐妹。 The three sisters are almost as famous for their short, tragic lives as for their novels.这三姐妹短暂而悲剧的生活与她们的小说一样有名。 In the past 50 years Charlotte Bronte’s reputation has risen rapidly. 在过去的50年里,夏洛特. 勃朗特的名声上升得非常快。
Charlotte Bronte was born in 1816, the third daughter of the Rev. Patrick Bronte and his wife Maria.夏洛特. 勃朗特出生于1816年,是Rev.Patrick与Maria的三女儿。 Her brother Patrick Barnwell was born in 1817 and her sisters Emily and Anne in 1818 and 1820.她的弟弟Patrick Barnwell生于1817,两个妹妹艾米丽与安妮分别生于1818,1820。 In 1820, too, the Bronte family moved to Haworth, Mrs. Bronte dying the following year. 也是在1820年,勃朗特一家搬到了Haworth。勃朗特夫人在次年去逝。
In 1824, the four eldest Bronte daughters entered a school as pupils. The following year Maria and Elizabeth, the two eldest daughters, became ill, left the school and died, so Charlotte and Emily were brought home. 1824年,勃朗特家最大的四个女儿被送往小学念书。第二年,玛丽亚与伊丽莎白这两个最大的女儿开始生病,随后离开学校并且死掉了,因此夏洛特与艾米丽便被带回了家。
In 1826 Mr. Bronte brought home a box of wooden soldiers for his son Branwell to play with. Charlotte, Emily, Branwell, and Ann, playing with the soldiers, conceived of(想象) and began to write in great detail about an imaginary(假象的)world. 1826年,勃朗特先生给儿子Barnwell带回一盒木制的士兵玩。夏洛特、艾米丽、Barnwell和安便和这些士兵一起玩耍,并开始通过想象详细地构思了一个假想的世界。
In 1831 she went to school at Roe Head, where she later worked as a teacher. However, she fell ill, suffered from melancholia(精神由于症), and gave up this post. Charlotte’s attempts to earn her living as a tutor that were blocked by her disabling shyness, her ignorance of normal children, and her yearning(怀念) to be with her sisters. 1831年,夏洛特去了Roe Head的一所学校,后来留校任教。然而,她病倒了,得了精神忧郁症,因此她放弃了这个职位。夏洛特本打算去做家庭教师来维持生计,然而却因自己的害羞、对正常小孩的不了解以及对姐妹的思念而放弃了。
In 1842 Charlotte traveled to Brussels with Emily to learn French, German, and management. Her attempt to open a school failed in 1844. 1842年,夏洛特与艾米丽一同到布鲁塞尔学习法语、德语和管理。1844年,她开办学校的尝试归于失败。The collection of poems, Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell (1846), which she wrote with her sisters, only sold two copies. By this time Charlotte had finished her first novel, The Professor, but never found a publisher in her lifetime. 她与姐妹们合著的诗集也只卖出了两。到这时,夏洛特也完成了她此生第一本小说<教授>,然而在她一生都未找到出商。
Charlotte began to write Jane Eyre which appeared in 1847, and became an immediate success and was described as ’the masterwork of a great genius’. 夏洛特开始写<简爱>,这本小说在1847年一面世便取得巨大成功,还被评为“天才的杰作”。Jane Eyre used her experiences as a tutor.简爱是一个家庭教师。 The novel severely criticized the limited options open to ecated but poor women, and the idea that women ’ought to confine themselves to making puddings(布丁) and knitting(编织) stockings, to playing on the piano and embroidering bags.’这本小说极力地批评了那些灌输给受过教育但贫穷的妇女的观念,即认为女性就应该做布丁、编织、弹钢琴以及刺绣。 Jane’s passionate desire for a wider life, her need to be loved, and her opponent questioning of conventions(习俗), also reflected Charlotte’s own dreams. 简爱对更广阔生活的渴望、对被爱的需要以及她对世俗观念的质疑都反映了夏洛特自己的梦想。Jane is an Ugly Duckling(丑小鸭), who fulfills all the teenage romantic dreams of passion, that breaks all obstacles.简爱是一个完成了所有青少年对热情充满浪漫想法、破除一切障碍的丑小鸭。



求高手帮我翻译英语成中文啊!急急急 非常感谢,流鼻涕!!!

Audrey Hepburn 奥德丽赫本
Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium. 奥德丽,赫本出生在1929年5月4月于比利时布鲁塞尔
She really was blue-blood(贵族的血统) from the beginning with her father, a wealthy English banker, and her mother, a Dutch baroness. 她具有真正的贵族血统,因为她的父亲是一个富裕的银行家,母亲是一位荷兰女爵。
After her parents divorced, Audrey went to London with her mother where she went to a private girl’s school. 在她父母离婚姻后,她随母亲去了伦敦,并就读于一所私立女子学校。
Later, when her mother moved back to the Netherlands, she attended private schools as well. 后来,当她的母亲回到荷兰,她去了那里的私立学校。
While vacationing with her mother in another city, Hitler’s army suddenly took over. 当她与母亲在另一个城市度假的时候,希特勒的军队突然入侵了。
It was here that she fell on hard times ring the Nazi occupation. 在纳粹统时候,她经受了困难时期。
Audrey suffered from depression and innutrition(营养不良). After she was free, Audrey went to a ballet(芭蕾舞) school in London on a scholarship and later began her model career. 奥德丽经受了消沉和营养不良。在她得到自由之后,奥德丽通过奖学金的方式进去了伦敦的一家芭蕾舞学校,后来成为一名职业模特。
As a model, she was graceful and, it seemed, she had found her proper position in life——until the film procers came calling. 作为模特,她相当成功,她好像也找到自己人生中的位置了。但是直到电影商找到她。
After being spotted modeling by a procer, she was signed to a bit part(小角色) in the European film in 1948. 在1948年在一部欧洲电影中出演了一个小角色。
Later, she had a speaking role in the 1951 film. The part still wasn’t much, so she headed to America to try her luck there. 后来,她在1951年电影中占有重要的地位。但是成功不仅止步如此,她又到美国继续她的梦。
Audrey gained immediate prominence in the US with her role in Roman Holiday in 1953. 奥德丽在1953年出演的罗马假日当中,在美国获得了巨大的成功。
This film turned out to be an outstanding success as she won an Oscar as Best Actress.
This success made her gain great name and more roles. 这些成就使她获得更大的成就,并起到更加重要的作用。
One of the reasons for her popularity was the fact that she was so elf(小精灵) like and had class, unlike the sexy girls of the time. From then on, Audrey Hepburn received lots of awards because of her excellent performance. 之所以她受欢迎的原因之一就是她像个小精灵而且平民化,并不像当时的那些性感女郎。从那时开始,奥德丽赫本由于她的出色表演获得越来越多的奖项。
By the end of the sixties, after her divorce from actor Mel Ferrer, Audrey decided to retire. 到二十世纪六十年代末期,在她与与演员梅费尔离婚后,奥德丽决定离开影坛。
Later she married Dr. Andrea Dotti. 随后她嫁给了安德鲁道提博士。From time to time, she would appear on the silver screen. 有时候她出现在银幕上。In 1988, Audrey became a special ambassador(大使) to the United Nations UNICEF (联合国联合基金会) helping children in Latin America and Africa. 在1988年,她成为联合国联合基金会的特殊大使去帮助在拉丁美洲和非洲的儿童。
She was named to People’s magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.
Her last film was Always in 1989. Audrey Hepburn died on January 20, 1993 in Switzerland, from colon cancer. She had made a total of 31 high quality movies. Her elegance and style will always be remembered in film history.




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