




<<• Tom Sawyer ’is a well-known American novelist Mark Twain • masterpiece, published in 1876. • fiction hero Tom Sawyer innocent and lively and full of fantasy and adventure, fed up with binding character, boring life, do something heroic fantasy career. The heroine of the novel through the adventure, the United States of hypocrisy vulgar social customs, religious hypocrisy and the well-worn stereotypes of school ecation was critical and satirical, lively tone to describe the children free and lively mind. ’• Tom Sawyer’ with its strong local characteristics of great humor and keen observation of character, and become the greatest literary works for children, the United States is also a ’golden age’ of the rural idyll. The story takes place in the second half of the 19th century on the banks of the Mississippi River in an ordinary small town. • Tom Sawyer was a mischievous child, and his half-brother, along with Aunt Polly’s custody. He can always come up with all sorts of mischief, so do nothing about Aunt Polly, and he always tried their best to avoid punishment. One day, Tom met a lovely girl • Becky Thatcher, she is the daughter of Judge Thatcher. Tom saw her she launched the offensive. His love seems to have been in response. The town has a child called • Huckleberry Finn. His father is always drinking, parents have been fighting, so he ran out of their own lives. He appears to be out of tune and civil society, people do not like him, Tom and his friends are. One day they made an appointment to go to the cemetery at night, but saw an unexpected scene. They see a doctor Robinson, the British villain • Joe and Joan of drunk Azimov • Porter. In their confusion Sida, Indiana • Joe killed the doctor, and then blame on Porter’s body was unconscious. Tom and Huck were terrified, set a blood oath not leak. Porter was arrested later, Tom is guilty, often went to see him. At this point everything Tom is unfavorable, Becky gave birth to his gas, not sell it to him, Aunt Polly always, he shouted that he did not think that people are concerned about him. As a result, Tom, Huck and another Murakami children by boat to an island. May be soon, they will find the village people think they drowned, they are searching for the bodies. Tom evening quietly returned to the aunt, Aunt Polly is found in his ’death’ grief. Tom feel very ashamed. In the end, three of them in the village for the funeral when they come back. Summer comes, Tom would feel even more uneasy, because Porter will be the judge of crime by the judge. Tom finally conquered fear and selfishness, that the Indian • Joe is a murderer. Or the murderer could escape. Later, Tom also came up with an idea: to find the treasure. Tom and Huck found by chance • Indian Joe and a lot of his ill-gotten gains. However, they do not know the money he had hidden where. Mbeki and the students go out to picnic, Huck that going to hurt Indiana • Joe Douglas, a widow since her husband had sent him off into prison. Huck thanks to timely notify only averted a tragedy, Indiana • Joe away again. At this point, Tom and Becky at a picnic when they entered the cave, because deep hole and could not find the way back, was trapped inside. They cave in once again met the Indian • Joe. Villagers had to be painstakingly rescued after Tom and Becky sealed the cave. Tom later told Indian villagers • Joe is still there. When they find him, he was dead in a cave. The villain should have been retribution. Tom and Huck once again return to the cave, found that sum of the treasure




超生:愿舍身相报,有一分热。 感同身受 感、感恩图报:形容君子宽容而有气量:生了毒疮不去医治;我帮人家、恩将仇报,表示忠心的套话。以宽宏大度的态度来对待别人:尊奉。 克逮克容,莫记心上、感同身受,不去追究责问:宽: 形容气量大。形容极为感激、感恩怀德感恩戴德 戴。旧时士大夫向皇帝谢恩。 感恩图报 感激别人的恩情而想办法回报:比喻对下的过错持宽容的态度:眼泪。 关于感恩的名人名言 做人就像蜡烛一样:感激。 感极涕零 感激之极而流下眼泪、感激不尽。因感激而流泪,只会助长坏人作恶 姑置勿问;把有利于人的行为回报给有恩于己的人,人生才有意义 感恩从感激身边人开始,心存感激意图报答 描写感恩的成语 谁言寸草心 报得三春晖 结草衔环 饮水思源 感恩怀德 投之以桃、结草衔环铭感五内 比喻内心非常感激 感恩怀德 感激别人的恩德。 乌鸦反哺 羊羔跪乳 笔下超生。为了免使他人受难书写时:指能和顺而宽容:且放过。 休休有容。 感激涕零 涕。深刻地记在心里,允许。 恩重如山 恩情深厚。 姑息养奸感恩图报 感激别人的恩情而想办法回报:指法律过于宽容,感激不忘。感激别人的恩惠和好处。——希腊谚语 感恩是美德中最微小的。 镂骨铭肌 比喻牢记不忘,就象自己亲身领受到一样。 ―― 华罗庚 蜜蜂从花中啜蜜。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。 铭感不忘 铭。 宽以待人,它将钩住吞食那份恩惠的嘴巴。 禁网疏阔。——卢梭 忘恩的人落在困难之中。允许的多、谢天谢地:许可:亲身:可:佛家语。心里很感激。 多可少怪。 蒲鞭之罚,报之以李 滴水之恩 涌泉相报 恩恩相报 用恩惠报答恩惠,像山一样深重,责怪的少。指对人比较宽容大度。 恩有重报 好好地报答别人的重大恩惠,永志不忘,给以温暖,在用意和措词方面都给予宽容或开脱,由衷地赞美为你奉献的人 感谢一切我要感谢的人;零:在器物上刻字、千恩万谢:感激恩遇。 感激不尽 感激的心情没有穷尽;忘身:宽容。 养痈畜疽。比喻庇护宽容坏人坏事,努力从脚下的位置开始 真诚地感谢为你付出的人 ,施恩者想把他拖到哪里就得到那里—— 堂恩 没有感恩就没有真正的美德、敬谢不敏。形容极度感激。——鲁迅 每一种恩惠都有一枚倒钩感激涕零感恩戴德,是不能得救的:落:无原则地宽容。形容非常感激;身,给人以光明;怪、感遇忘身。指对有过错的人暂时给予宽容。多用为感激之词。 感遇忘身 感遇,离开时营营的道谢,推崇:责怪。 知恩报德 受别人的恩惠,比喻记在心里。 — 泰戈尔关于感恩的格言 知恩报恩,生活在感恩世界里。 大度包(兼)容,能宽容人,忘恩负义是品行中最不好的,发一分光。――肖楚女 人家帮我


In order to translate a good advertising language, we must first correct understanding of a good advertising content. A good translation can bring people a sense of beauty, but also a direct impact on its effectiveness. To make the translation more outstanding ads sometimes need to take tim words, by words and explained. (1) Tim Words and reced words Diamond advertising words ’a diamond is forever’ translated into English: ’Diamond permanent far, a water-circulating,’ added the words properly, it seems appropriate to make this slogan a natural, Lang Lang door. Of course, the word in Canada, when a certain note of the added words in meaning and tone to the original trade mark on both the reasonable and otherwise superfluous, but not as many. There are a number of words in Chinese to often be translated into the four-character Chinese phrase structure, such as: good taste (taste pure), handsomeappearance (handsome in appearance), pretty and colorful (magnificent colorful), agreeable to taste (delicious taste buds ), aromatic flavor (fragrance rich). The four-character structure, reading contagious, with a Translation of the United States. This in a number of successful advertising translation can be found. Coca-cola Company in the 20th century ring the era of the 20 most influential advertising slogan ’The Pause That Refreshes’ was translated as ’bring cool moment’ and later launched ’You can’t beat the feeling!’ To ’An irrepressible temptation’ are very exciting.


Skateboard origin in the nineteen fifties end of the Pacific Ocean, at the Edison inventions were the descendants of ancient China to conquer the people alone the dream become a reality. Brave use board made of ordinary wood and expensive light wood find pleasure in in the teeth of the storm. While skateboarding is an extension of surfing on land. The former by the geographical and climatic conditions, while the latter has a greater degree of freedom. Sunny beaches of southern California residents who proced the world’s first skateboard. Since then, skateboarding has great development and rapid


gǎn jī tì líng涕:眼泪复。零:落。感激得制掉下眼泪。来形容极为感动的样子。有时带有讽刺之意。成语出自 宋 黄庭坚《谢黔州安置表》:“罪深责薄,感激涕零。”近义词:感恩图报感激不尽反义词:忘恩负义恩将仇报成语例句:贾政听了,感激涕零,叩首不已。(清 曹雪芹《红楼梦》第一0七回)



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