


本文介绍成语“不谋而合”的拓展阅读资料,主要内容包括:不谋而合 英语、曹操的那句莫非古人之书如果不谋而合是啥意思?、不谋而合的故事,成语故事、不谋而合 是什么意思、不谋而合的前一句是什么、不谋而合 英语等

不谋而合 英语

找到10条关于 不谋而合 的短句! 经典名诗佳句排行榜 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------That’s exactly what I am think.这同我的原来的想法不谋而合。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 That’s exactly what I were thinking.这同我的原来的想法不谋而合。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 That ’s exactly what I was thinking.这同我的原来的想法不谋而合。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 It was in these circumstances that the Communist Party firmly exposed the intrigues of the Japanese imperialists and of Wang Ching-wei[4], Ho Ying-chin[5] and other members of the Chinese ’punitive’ group, and firmly advocated a peaceful settlement, which happened to coincide with the views of Generals Chang Hsueh-liang and Yang Hu-cheng and such members of the Kuomintang as T. V. Soong[6].在这种情形下,共产党坚决揭破日本帝国主义和中国讨伐派汪精卫(4)、何应钦(5)等的阴谋,坚决主张和平解决这次事变,这和张杨二将军及宋子文(6)氏等国民党人的主张可谓不谋而合。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 As a subgenre of science fiction-rather than a literal prediction of the future-books about Drexlerian nanotechnology may serve the same function as Star Trek does in stimulating a teenager’s interest in space, a passion that sometimes leads to a career in aeronautics or astrophysics.作为科幻小说的一种类型一而不是只对未来做刻板如实的预言一德莱克斯勒有关纳米技术的作品对激发青少年对宇宙的兴趣方面可与电影“星球大战”相媲美,有异曲同工之妙。这种强烈的热情有时会使青少年选择以航空或天体物理学为自己的终身职业。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Yet unfortunately, whenever something big happens in the outside world, people would tune in to CNN, swallowing its news and views without thinking much about it, and taking them for the ’genuine’ criterion just because of the high sound volume.然而,这不表示我们就得束手无策,或是完全的被动,国际上发生一件大事,大家不约而同扭开美国电缆电视,潜移默化当中接受它的价值判断,似乎这就是真正的“标准”,因为他们的声音比较响亮。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 I am quite simply persuaded of a principle which states that: To any woman whose ecation has not imparted knowledge of goodness, God almost invariably opens up two paths which will lead her back to it;我只信奉一个原则:没有受到过“善”的教育的女子,天主几乎总是向她们指出两条道路,让她们能殊途同归地走到他的跟前:一条是痛苦,一条是爱情。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Both articles maintained that the Chinese people did not genuinely stand up in 1949 when Mao made the declaration. It was a handful of ’communist upstarts’ who stood up, the statement being couched in Mao Zedong’s nationalistic rhetoric, they argued.“自由人”和胡元辉不约而同地认为,中国人在1949年并没有真正站起来,只是毛泽东“用民族主义包装少数共产新贵上台”;来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 (This is a Saturday evening. After Wang Ping, Jeff and Annie Watched the football match between Beijing and Shanghai, on their way home, they talk about the football match.)(这是一个星期六的晚上,王平、杰夫和安妮看完北京对上海的足球赛之后,在回校的路上,三人便不约而同地谈起足球比赛来。)来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 ’Peanuts’’ reminds her of the character Runtu in ’’Homeland’’ and the Elder Brother 5th Sun-she reminds her of the character Elder Sister-in-law Xianglin in Blessings. It is truly remarkable that the stories told so differently can achieve the same effect. 《落花生》使她想到《故乡》里的润土,《五孙舍哥》使她想到《祝福》里的祥林嫂,有着异曲同工之妙。




不谋而合  【拼音】bù móu ér hé  【成语故事典故】东汉末年,关中地区大乱,军阀混战,韩遂与马腾各自争霸,曹操派钟繇去监督他们,命他们各派一子到京城做人质。后来马超韩遂等惶惶不安,决定共同对付曹操,推举韩遂为都督。韩遂的部将阎行反对起兵“现在关中各将不谋而同,好像老天命定如此”。  【出处】二人之言,不谋而合。  晋·干宝《搜神记》卷二  【释义】谋:商量;合:相符。事先没有商量过,意见或行动却完全一致。  【用法】作谓语、定语、宾语;形容动作、想法一致  【近义词】异口同声殊途同归不约而同  【相反词】众说纷纭言人人殊见仁见智

不谋而合 是什么意思

【解释】:谋:商量;合:相符。事先没有商量过,意见或行动却完全一致。【出内自】:晋·干宝《搜神记》卷容二:“二人之言,不谋而合。”【示例】:如磁石铁,~。 ◎宋·苏轼《朱寿昌梁武忏赞偈》【近义词】:异口同声殊途同归不约而同【反义词】:众说纷纭言人人殊见仁见智【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容动作、想法一致


二人之言来,不谋而合不谋而合bù móu ér hé 【解释】:谋:商量;合:相符。事先没有商量过,意见或行动却完全一致。【出自】:晋·干宝《搜神记》卷二:“二人之言,不谋而合。”【示例】:如磁石铁,~。 ◎宋·苏轼《朱寿昌梁武忏赞偈》【近义词】:异口同声殊途同归不约而同【反义词】:众说纷纭言人人殊见仁见智【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容动作、想法一致

不谋而合 英语

找到10条关于 不谋而合 的短句! 经典名诗佳句排行榜 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------That’s exactly what I am think.这同我的原来的想法不谋而合。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 That’s exactly what I were thinking.这同我的原来的想法不谋而合。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 That ’s exactly what I was thinking.这同我的原来的想法不谋而合。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 It was in these circumstances that the Communist Party firmly exposed the intrigues of the Japanese imperialists and of Wang Ching-wei[4], Ho Ying-chin[5] and other members of the Chinese ’punitive’ group, and firmly advocated a peaceful settlement, which happened to coincide with the views of Generals Chang Hsueh-liang and Yang Hu-cheng and such members of the Kuomintang as T. V. Soong[6].在这种情形下,共产党坚决揭破日本帝国主义和中国讨伐派汪精卫(4)、何应钦(5)等的阴谋,坚决主张和平解决这次事变,这和张杨二将军及宋子文(6)氏等国民党人的主张可谓不谋而合。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 As a subgenre of science fiction-rather than a literal prediction of the future-books about Drexlerian nanotechnology may serve the same function as Star Trek does in stimulating a teenager’s interest in space, a passion that sometimes leads to a career in aeronautics or astrophysics.作为科幻小说的一种类型一而不是只对未来做刻板如实的预言一德莱克斯勒有关纳米技术的作品对激发青少年对宇宙的兴趣方面可与电影“星球大战”相媲美,有异曲同工之妙。这种强烈的热情有时会使青少年选择以航空或天体物理学为自己的终身职业。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Yet unfortunately, whenever something big happens in the outside world, people would tune in to CNN, swallowing its news and views without thinking much about it, and taking them for the ’genuine’ criterion just because of the high sound volume.然而,这不表示我们就得束手无策,或是完全的被动,国际上发生一件大事,大家不约而同扭开美国电缆电视,潜移默化当中接受它的价值判断,似乎这就是真正的“标准”,因为他们的声音比较响亮。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 I am quite simply persuaded of a principle which states that: To any woman whose ecation has not imparted knowledge of goodness, God almost invariably opens up two paths which will lead her back to it;我只信奉一个原则:没有受到过“善”的教育的女子,天主几乎总是向她们指出两条道路,让她们能殊途同归地走到他的跟前:一条是痛苦,一条是爱情。来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Both articles maintained that the Chinese people did not genuinely stand up in 1949 when Mao made the declaration. It was a handful of ’communist upstarts’ who stood up, the statement being couched in Mao Zedong’s nationalistic rhetoric, they argued.“自由人”和胡元辉不约而同地认为,中国人在1949年并没有真正站起来,只是毛泽东“用民族主义包装少数共产新贵上台”;来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 (This is a Saturday evening. After Wang Ping, Jeff and Annie Watched the football match between Beijing and Shanghai, on their way home, they talk about the football match.)(这是一个星期六的晚上,王平、杰夫和安妮看完北京对上海的足球赛之后,在回校的路上,三人便不约而同地谈起足球比赛来。)来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 ’Peanuts’’ reminds her of the character Runtu in ’’Homeland’’ and the Elder Brother 5th Sun-she reminds her of the character Elder Sister-in-law Xianglin in Blessings. It is truly remarkable that the stories told so differently can achieve the same effect. 《落花生》使她想到《故乡》里的润土,《五孙舍哥》使她想到《祝福》里的祥林嫂,有着异曲同工之妙。



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